Sunday, November 27, 2011

It was such a lovely day I needed to be outside!

Interesting little corner off the patio

I worked Friday clearing all the leaves and smutz from this area and planning out what to do to it once we make it through the Winter (2011-12).
This space will be where I putter about while work goes on with the green porch. Husband doesn't always need me, but this way I will be close and available in case he does need an extra pair of hands. 
Hopefully this winter won't be too harsh, but we really need to get a move on this project for the sake of all the house plants that are still out on the deck. Seems that we have so many things to do that they get in the way of each other...but have to be done in tandem.

  • Before I do anything we need to fix the roof (storm damage) and repair the wall...there may be some galvanized, corrugated metal sheet involved here unless we see that it is too reflective. The blue metal table will make for a great potting table
  • The hanging bar will be work well for repotting hanging plants
  • The turquoise metal desk will be repurposed as a plant stand/planter (drawers).      

College Kid on moving (back home) day with Sophie the cat...she was hanging out with me learning to be an outside kitty.

  • Red cinder blocks will be turned open side up and do double duty as edging to define the area and planters... I figure I can fit 4 inch pots into those openings. 
  • Flowers & Plants I am considering:  Hosta, sweet potato vine, petunia, lilies, ferns, moss, caladium...just need to wait and see what looks good together... I also like marigolds & many flowers! This area gets good sun but not too harsh and is easy to water.
  • We also see the need to put down pavers for this center area....the dog and people traffic has really roughed that walkway up.  Needs to be something that will stand up to the leaf blower...that is a walnut tree to the right...lots of crud from it and then beyond the carport is maple tress, lots of propellers.

Concrete Benches are from my Gaw-Gaws Rock Garden area.
I am working on just such a spot here.  I also have his frog fountain from his fish pond...need to incorporate that somewhere.

This little redbud tree was badly damaged in a storm cut back to the 
nub...I like the way it is coming back.
Little pot of violas add a splash of color.

A shady spot for hostas!

Edging is from a broken fire pit bowl
that I saved for some reason.

Lots to do in this area, just one of many.  I am planning on plotting a course or making list of do-able tasks.  
Things to do when it is nice outside (today is cold and windy) and things to do clear out the upstairs so we can insulate so that it won't be cold and windy inside the house!

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