It is my intention...the best of course, to follow up on this project and all the others. I want to do this all in a cohesive manner....which leads me to the question of purchasing a dedicated camera....which leads me to a blog kit if you will. In other words, a tote or some such thing containing the camera, the notebook, a good tape measure...and other necessities that will make this more likely to happen with some regularity.
Another question~ should I just go around photograph it all and give you a "Big Picture" tour?
Then go back and revisit?? What to do, what to do....
Well, I will think on it, please your thoughts/comments are welcome... I get overwhelmed sometimes.
The trials, travails & tribulations of renovating a money pit...with no money and no time...but we do have a butt load of talent and skills!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
It was such a lovely day I needed to be outside!
Interesting little corner off the patio |
I worked Friday clearing all the leaves and smutz from this area and planning out what to do to it once we make it through the Winter (2011-12).
This space will be where I putter about while work goes on with the green porch. Husband doesn't always need me, but this way I will be close and available in case he does need an extra pair of hands.
Hopefully this winter won't be too harsh, but we really need to get a move on this project for the sake of all the house plants that are still out on the deck. Seems that we have so many things to do that they get in the way of each other...but have to be done in tandem.
- Before I do anything we need to fix the roof (storm damage) and repair the wall...there may be some galvanized, corrugated metal sheet involved here unless we see that it is too reflective. The blue metal table will make for a great potting table
- The hanging bar will be work well for repotting hanging plants
- The turquoise metal desk will be repurposed as a plant stand/planter (drawers).
College Kid on moving (back home) day with Sophie the cat...she was hanging out with me learning to be an outside kitty.
A shady spot for hostas! |
Edging is from a broken fire pit bowl that I saved for some reason. |
Lots to do in this area, just one of many. I am planning on plotting a course or making list of do-able tasks.
Things to do when it is nice outside (today is cold and windy) and things to do clear out the upstairs so we can insulate so that it won't be cold and windy inside the house!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Just trying out Picasa

This "wordel" was based on a true incident....
Last week (4/3/2010) 2 students & I watched a massive vortices of white gulls swirl and undulate against a dark stormy sky. It was mesmerizing to watch as their stark white backs caught the light and then disappear as their darker underbellies blended into the background. This went on for a while and sadly, no one that walked by was even curious at what we were clearly in awe of...shed the blinders people, you are missing out. Thanks to Savannah Fisher and Maria Hula for sharing a moment though. for full comments.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Just wondering about adding photos
Ok, here is a little somethin' somethin' to discuss.
This is a view of the back of my house. If you will look past the attempt at a gated garden (all that to keep out deer and Sally the Labrador) you will see 5 framed in spaces. This relates back to Sally the Labrador who used to spend her nights in what was a screened in porch. Yes, that was once a screened porch that apparently over the years has received enough water damage to rot out the supports which were supposedly holding up the back side of the upstairs area of the house....load bearing?? Maybe, maybe not.
We discovered this issue when Sally easily knocked down the side 1//2 wall while chasing a raccoon. Turns out the whole back wall was just swinging like a loose tooth, it was a little scary. This presented itself as a good project to start on as we were also soon to be putting on a new roof over the Christmas Holiday YEAH!!!
Demolition began! Well, it really didn't take much.
Then reconstruction! John had purchased 5 "returned" aluminum windows much earlier and this seemed like the perfect place to install them. We also have a nice door and long picture like window to install on the entrance side. I have also been purchasing plant hangers and some pretty novelty pots to add when we "load in."
It is our plan to turn it into a a greenhouse to winter our house plants and hopefully get seedlings started for a real garden. This space will get good morning to afternoon sun. I am scheming on a table and seating.
Well, that was November 2010, the roofing activities eclipsed the back porch situation, then the snow, then the tornado, the a bloody HOT summer....then school started and now it is November again.
John & I did get the windows out and figure out how to get them into working shape to install.....but I think I might ought to figure out what to do with my houseplants.
This is a view of the back of my house. If you will look past the attempt at a gated garden (all that to keep out deer and Sally the Labrador) you will see 5 framed in spaces. This relates back to Sally the Labrador who used to spend her nights in what was a screened in porch. Yes, that was once a screened porch that apparently over the years has received enough water damage to rot out the supports which were supposedly holding up the back side of the upstairs area of the house....load bearing?? Maybe, maybe not.
Neil, the kid, Sally the Lab, Sophie the Cat |
Demolition began! Well, it really didn't take much.
John the Husband |
Then reconstruction! John had purchased 5 "returned" aluminum windows much earlier and this seemed like the perfect place to install them. We also have a nice door and long picture like window to install on the entrance side. I have also been purchasing plant hangers and some pretty novelty pots to add when we "load in."
It is our plan to turn it into a a greenhouse to winter our house plants and hopefully get seedlings started for a real garden. This space will get good morning to afternoon sun. I am scheming on a table and seating.
Well, that was November 2010, the roofing activities eclipsed the back porch situation, then the snow, then the tornado, the a bloody HOT summer....then school started and now it is November again.
John & I did get the windows out and figure out how to get them into working shape to install.....but I think I might ought to figure out what to do with my houseplants.
Heavy Sigh
Being Saturday I have taken my usual "Day of Rest" this weekend...this consists of:
I know, I know start small. go slow...seems that that is all I do though...I am hurtin' to make a difference! Do some visual impact damage!!!
Tomorrow being Sunday I will:
- Sleeping late
- Leisurely drinking coffee and lounging with kitties
- Catching up on Facebook and now I have added Pinterest to the list...there's the rub.
I know, I know start small. go slow...seems that that is all I do though...I am hurtin' to make a difference! Do some visual impact damage!!!
Tomorrow being Sunday I will:
- Sleep a little late.
- Leisurely drink coffee and cuddle with cats.
- Get out my list/calendar of thing to do and when...I have 9 days off coming up, must use them wisely.
- Figure out how to get some house pictures on here so that I can blog about them.
- Laundry~sorry that isn't very glamorous but it must be done!
- Do something to make my house the home that I mean for it to be.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Where To Start~
Today I have created this space to hopefully motivate myself to deal with what I call The Sow's Ear.
A cottage style house that we bought in August of 5 years ago we bought a house that we knew should be gutted...if not bulldozed.
Life got in the way. Elderly parents, kids, work, school....and the bloody economy have consumed our time and drained our energy. Truly, I do not know where to start. I have maintained a NO BANDAIDS policy, in other words if it isn't an improvement I am not spending money or time on it. For example, the horribly ugly ceiling fan in the dining room.... until I can redo the room and light/fan it the way I want it....just leave it be. Why change it out when the ceiling needs work? However, I am really hurting for some beautification.
Other difficulties lie in: (not necessarily in this order)
1. We have a lot of crap. I am working on getting rid of it.
2. A college student who moves back every now and then.
3. A high school student....nuff said (although, he helps me more and better than anyone else).
4. ADD....we all seem equally easily distracted.
5. Time/resources/energy//$$$ never seem to align.
6. A very talented artist/craftsman/husband do all be all to too many.
I am certain there is more that I could list, but this will do for now.
So, there it is...overwhelmed and underfunded.
I will take and post pictures soon....will be interesting to see how this works out. Wave~
A cottage style house that we bought in August of 5 years ago we bought a house that we knew should be gutted...if not bulldozed.
Life got in the way. Elderly parents, kids, work, school....and the bloody economy have consumed our time and drained our energy. Truly, I do not know where to start. I have maintained a NO BANDAIDS policy, in other words if it isn't an improvement I am not spending money or time on it. For example, the horribly ugly ceiling fan in the dining room.... until I can redo the room and light/fan it the way I want it....just leave it be. Why change it out when the ceiling needs work? However, I am really hurting for some beautification.
Other difficulties lie in: (not necessarily in this order)
1. We have a lot of crap. I am working on getting rid of it.
2. A college student who moves back every now and then.
3. A high school student....nuff said (although, he helps me more and better than anyone else).
4. ADD....we all seem equally easily distracted.
5. Time/resources/energy//$$$ never seem to align.
6. A very talented artist/craftsman/husband do all be all to too many.
I am certain there is more that I could list, but this will do for now.
So, there it is...overwhelmed and underfunded.
I will take and post pictures soon....will be interesting to see how this works out. Wave~
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